Who is Coach Charles?
And why should you listen to anything he has to say?
Coach Charles
Learn more about Coach Charles
Dear Soon To Be Friend,
I PERSONALLY know what it’s like to be out of shape and feel like a fat blob. Look at this picture of me at a bar (I used to frequent these places quite a bit in my young adult years) … I wish I could say that this was a picture of me at my worst, but I would be telling you a huge lie. I continued to get bigger for several months, putting on nearly 10 more pounds. BUT I can’t find any pictures of me in worse shape because I pretty much avoided the cameras. Maybe you know how I felt …
Coach Charles
The Defining Moment
Believe it or not, I was only 33 years old in this picture. Many people told me I looked like I was at least 36. I remember one night I had a bet with friends of mine that were a few years older than me. I asked the bouncer who looked older. He immediately told me I looked older, probably a couple of years older.
Then he asked me if he was right. I was so embarrassed. This was probably the first time I realized I had a weight problem. It had come on gradually over a few years.
Pants got tighter, I bought new ones, you know the story.
Coach Charles
I couldn’t believe how badly I had let myself go. . .
I couldn’t believe how badly I had let myself go… no matter how hard I tried to fool myself, I was no longer anywhere near slim and hadn’t been
for a very long time …
As an engineer, I decided to see how bad things were by the numbers. My blood pressure had sky rocked, my resting heart rate was worse than an average person’s heart rate while they are up and moving around, my heart rate after climbing the stairs was as high as if a normal person had just gone for a run. All these things scared me to death. My waist measured a whopping 43″, and at only 5’8″ tall, I weighed 207 lbs. Not only was I obese, by some estimates I had the same health risks of a person with diabetes (doctors have been quoted as saying patients with diabetes age 10 to 30 percent faster than those without – no wonder I looked so much older than I was).
I also noticed I was wearing the same few clothes all the time. Even though I had more clothes than anyone needs, I couldn’t wear most of them. And all the clothes I was wearing had style names that included something similar to “relaxed fit.” I now know this is code for, I was too fat to fit into the regular sizes, but the clothing manufacturers didn’t want me to feel bad about it.
Perhaps the worst thing to happen to a man’s ego is that I was pretty much being ignored by the opposite sex. Even my own wife frequently made comments to remind me that I didn’t look this way when she met me 15 years ago. I really wish she had sat me down one day and told me I needed to lose the weight. And finally, my Father did tell me that I was way too heavy for my age. But I wasn’t ready to listen until I couldn’t do simple things like tying my shoes without significant effort. Some might even say I was a bit stubborn 🙂
This Sudden and Terrible Realization Made Me Very Sick…
In fact, I lost 50 lbs of fat and put on more than 10 lbs of functional muscle …
Hardly Anyone Believed I Could Lose An Entire Medicine Ball Of Fat But I Did
And that’s JUST the beginning… Now I feel like I’m 10 years younger, I have tons of energy and I even stand almost an inch taller…
And what’s really exciting is what’s happened to my self-image… Let’s just say when I look in the mirror I’m pretty damn stoked with what I see… My social life is better, my love life is better, my health is better, in fact, EVERYTHING is better. I’m even willing to have my picture taken in public now.
Now my story could’ve ended here, but this is where it gets really exciting…
You’re NEVER gonna believe it, but… I Almost Completely Accidentally Became a Personal Trainer
You see, as I continued looking better and better something REALLY STRANGE began to happen… People started to constantly ask me questions like “How did you lose ALL that fat so fast?” and “What do you do to look SO good?” and “Can you help ME look better too?”
“Can You Teach Me What To Do And How To Eat Healthy In A Quick Program That Will Allow Me To Continue On My Own Afterwards …”
Enter the Couch to Fit in 12 Weeks Program. This personal training and eating habit coaching with accountability program is our most effective program ever. We run pretty close to a full client load most of the time. If you think you would like to learn more, we may have 2 or 3 coaching slots available as clients finish up their programs.
You can learn more about how Coach Charles can help you completely transform your body and apply for a zero cost over the phone consultation on our Couch to Fit Program Page.